this is for you, jie. For all the times when you aren't online. MY blog about My life, for YOU.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


I've just read nezzie's blog, and SHE STILL SOUNDS LIKE NEZ!!!! YAY! I confess to have been mortally afraid that she'd go over there and turn into... into... whatever they are there. I know i sound prejudiced and all, but it's not my fault if americans choose to misrepresent themselves through their books, tv and radio. I mean, you can forgive one trashy american book for being trashy, but a whole collection of them??
I've just finished reading a Meg Cabot book, called Teen Idol. Everytime i read a Meg Cabot book, I end up feeling very very stupid. Not because of the wealth of intellect that i read about that makes me feel insignificant, but because i was stupid enough to believe that Meg Cabot would show a slice of originality in THIS book. She has this fixation with plots that go along the lines of HEY, i am an original girl, like, until something HUGE happens to me, like i turn out to be a PRINCESS, or i save the PRESIDENT, or i show the TEEN IDOL around town. And whilst i do all these glorious things, i meet hot hunks that i totally fall for, but in the end, i always choose the nice quiet guy who has always been by my side. With minor variations in each book. SERIOUSLY, why do i even bother reading it???
ANYWAY, the minute exams are over, i will
a) go shopping. DUH.
b) buy all the birthday presents that i owe to half the world
c)go rockclimbing
d) hit the gym, swimming pool, track and nature reserve. I MUST GET BACK INTO SHAPE< NZ ADVENTURE CAMP IS LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AWAY!! (pardon the caps, it is addictive)
e)go dancing:)
f) read men at arms and find out who Carrot and Angua is. Yes, nez, u've got me intrigued
g)think of stuff for next year's SIA so i don't DIE next year.

OOPS. okay, RIGHT at the top of that list is: PLAN FOR MISSION TRIP, except that i forgot to add it. BUT IT IS THERE.
stomach calls! Rather, mum does.


Blogger ame said...

TERRY PRATCHETT ROCKS THE WORLD. i liked the bugrit should read about the beggar's guild. but better yet! i like the grand daughter of death she's darned cool.

10:01 PM


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