I have just recieved early birthday prezzies from my family. Honestly, gifts have never been such an important part of our lives. Mostly, birthdays pass by with a small celebration in the car as we go off to our respective institutions, and gifts are handed in at the end of the day with quiet pomp and circumstance, followed by the reciever prancing around in a thank-you dance. But this year, i must truly say that i am TOUCHED by my younger sister's gifts to me :)
In an all out attempt to turn me into a bimbo, she has bought me a HOT PINK skirt with a pink embossed Billabong pencil case, and would have bought me a pink belt, if my mother hadn't intervened. And she even bothered to wrap it up nicely in red striped paper and twine :D Isn't she sweet? And would you believe it, but i'm actually going to wear it out? It actually doesn't look too bad...!!
OH, and my mum bought me this really really cool set of hair irons, you know, the whole enchilada... crimping iron, straightener, and curler... yeah. Last night, my hair was a cascading mass of ringlets... doesn't it sound heavenly? Until i showered, that is. But to balance the whole emphasis on outward beauty, she bought me three Christian books. I've just finished reading one of them, and i have to say that i like the books better than the hairstyling set. I really LOVE the hairstyling set, mind you, it's so FUN! But when all's said and done, i'd rather be beautiful inside than outside... who wouldn't?
Today, i went for the TreeTop walk with the Faithactz kids. It was FUN! Tiring too, only you didn't really FEEL it till you sat down long enough for the fatigue to settle in. And i think my group thought i was a real pain in the neck, cos i kept going "come on! ONLY a little more! we've just got THREE stations left! LOOK, i see the next station just a little ahead! WHY DON'T we just walk a LEETLE bit faster? Come on, guys!" and stuff like that. It's one thing to do it while you are kayaking around Pulau Ubin, cos most of the time you are a) shouting at people way beyond your line of vision and b) even if you could see them, you were too busy trying to get your kayak to STAY in place to really look at their faces and see their expression. I assure you, they were giving me these "OH, shut up already! I'm TIRED, can't we STOP?" looks. But on the whole we did manage to enjoy the walk, and we GOT FIRST! Boy was i stunned when i heard that. At least i didn't waste my saliva :P
I have also realised that there are two very good spurs to get your team to walk faster. Ask the girls in a VERY LOUD voice to show some girl power (we get a nice, FAST competition between girls and boys), and ask your team to over take another team, who will then say that since we are terrapins (group name) we should walk slowly, which will then incite MY group to prove them wrong!
OH, and i have come to a conclusion that i am not scared of heights. My fear of heights stems from being highly imaginative, such that everytime i stand at any position high enough to fall down and DIE, i start imagining ways and means of my abrupt departure over the edge. And for that matter, anyone standing too near the edge. Or anyone standing at a place with a higher risk of anything disasterous happening to them. Like when you jay walk, or play with pen knives. *shudder* I have to let go and let God. seriously. Or i shall die at an early age from over excited neurons.
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