this is for you, jie. For all the times when you aren't online. MY blog about My life, for YOU.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

study group

I hate to do this to myself, but...
today was the first time i've ever studied in a group!!
And it was suprisingly successful... at least more successful than when i study at home, or in the library. BUT, i think it would be lying to say that i was mugging all the time.
I finished 5 chapters of chem!! WHEEE. But i still have loads to go...
Tomorrow, i have physics extra lessons, and i am wondering whether 4 hours on one subject can be better spent else where. If the physics lectures are going to be anything like our physics lessons... i think i will bring my bio textbook there to study.
I shall expound on the complexities of the relationship between my class and our physics teacher. In character, she is a wonderfully forgiving and nice teacher who reminds me of a chirpy little birdy:) In appearance, she reminds me of a pregnant stick (think a small little bump). As a teacher, i think it safe to say: WHAT teacher? To quote my friend, "aiyah, i think she suddenly gets smart when she goes home or something, because she doesn't make SENSE now!" . And my friend isn't the mean kind. You really can't blame us when we say something like that, when we are constantly correcting her answers. If she weren't my physics teacher, she'd be the kind of teacher i'd SMILE at while walking past her. As it is, i bow very very low so she doesn't see my grimace.
Yong Zhi's going to turn this poem i wrote into a song!! Of course he's going to rip it apart, so if it goes horribly awry i can just blame him! But honestly, it isn't a really good poem, and i only showed it to Yong Zhi cos he wanted a love poem! Also because the poem was no longer relevant!


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