this is for you, jie. For all the times when you aren't online. MY blog about My life, for YOU.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

pole vaulting

Today's training was FUN FUN FUN!!!!
Mr Pedro taught us the basics of pole vaulting.
At first, i felt incredibly foolish clutching this bamboo pole with a tennis ball attached to the end, running with it pointing down to the floor in front of me, attempting to keep it straight.
Later, we tried to vault over a 1m hurdle, which, i assure you, looks deceptively easy, especially when Mr Pedro demonstrates it. But it was extremely fun, all the same.
Then, we went to the sandpit, and that is where things start to get GREAT. We would run towards Mr Pedro, who was holding the pole towards us, with the other end stuck firmly into the sand. then, we'd jump and grab the end, pushing off the ground and holding on for dear life while Mr Pedro hoisted us across! For those split seconds while you are in the air, you feel like you are flying, truly flying. I was grinning like an idiot, i assure you.
Then, we tried it on our own. you hold the pole just a foot off the ground and dash forward, before planting it into the sand and kicking off, and you grip the pole till you feel your two feet reaching the floor again. It is thrilling. And Ms Tan says that maybe it is my niche area... she was so hyped out by our performance that she is seriously considering investing in a pole vaulting team!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! FINALLY, i find something that i am good at in track! I am SOO motivated to train!! I must train my arms like crazy, because the pole is extremely heavy, and you have to run a good 50m with it sticking out in front of you. Please Lord, let ms tan get permission to buy the poles, and LET HER BUY THE POLES!!


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