tragic irony
I sprained my ankle.
And i have less than 10 days for it to heal well enough for me to a) rockclimb b) trek across mountains and c) do countless ankle moving activities.
I can't believe this! after remaining injury-free for the past year, even at times when i would have LOVED to have an excuse from training, i get a nice swollen ankle a little more than a week before i go for an adventure camp in New Zealand, which i have been looking forward to since May. But i will trust in God to heal me, and send me off in tip-top condition!
I still can't believe i sprained my ankle, and in the stupidest way possible. On the way down the stairs in Faithacts to fetch my notebook, which i had forgotten to bring up to the meeting, i was so fatigued from running around Singapore all morning that i didn't look down, missed a step and landed on the side of my leg. There was this CRACk! in my ankle before my leg gave way altogether and i plunged down on my knees in front of a very astounded little boy. Call me stupid, but i didn't know how bad my sprain was then, so i ran up the stairs with my sprain, and after that, i jumped, and even ran all the way back to faithacts after visiting church on a toilet break. And it didn't hurt, much. It only throbbed a little when i stretched it. So it was only after i got home, after enduring a nice long walk to dinner and an entire MRT trip that i realised that it actually was swollen.
So now my nice, shapely ankle :D is bloated and shapeless.
I just bought my first tube of deep heat, and have been vigorously applying it in less-than-gentle circular movementss in vain attempt to generate heat. Yes, after applying dubiously large globs of cream to my swollen ankle, i didn't feel much heat arise. which is suprising, considering that the last time i applied deep heat, in OBS, i applied just a fraction too much and my whole back felt like it was on fire. Perhaps i snapped a nerve or two, which would explain the delayed response of pain, and the fact that even chinese medicated oil, potent enough to raise tears in your eyes if overapplied, had no effect whatsoever on my ankle.
Lately, my brain has sunk to the lowest levels of activity, and now i have no ability to come up with a single shred of original and scintillating prose that will delight you ears, jie. you will have to bear with an overload of adjectives.
I remember dad talking about this guy who gave a speech, and used so much adjectives and big words in his speech that after a while, not only had he bewildered his audience, but had also managed to confuse himself! Not being the joke-teller that Dad is, it sounds unfunny to the extreme.
I have been feeling the urgent need to improve my skills as a conversationalist. Otherwise, i will never ever be able to "speak my mind". It's just that, when i'm talking to someone, it's just so much easier to keep quiet and let them do the talking, that when they DO give me opportunities to speak, all i can say is "whatever" and "sure", or some unoriginal and daft response that hurts MY ears, or stay silent. After years of forcing myself silent so as to prevent people from criticizing my overusage of vocabulary, i have almost entirely lost my vocabulary, beyond certain key impactful phrases ass mentioned above. Like i'm a mute, or something. Even a dog has more originality than i do, it can whine, bark and sneeze. I, on the other hand, can only talk, and even then, barely so. Enough of thumping myself down, though, i will learn to open the floodgates between my mouth and my brain and the people will rue the day they ever commented on my lack of speech.